Feb. 15, 2024

Onyx The Fortuitous Director, Andrew Bowser

Onyx The Fortuitous Director, Andrew Bowser

Today we have the Director of Onyx the Fortuitous, Andrew Bowser. Onyx the Fortuitous is a blast of a movie, now streaming on Screambox and one of the things I liked most about it is 1, it had really awesome practical creature effects from Adam KreatureKid Doughterty, but two, it was such a unique vision of a movie that was cast straight from Andrew's skull. The vision behind this movie was super unique, super fun, hilarious, and the movie ultimately made it all the way to the Sundance Film Festival.

In this interview with Andrew, we get into the highly personal origins of the character of Onyx, how he was able to bring the character from being a YouTube sensation to a full feature, and plenty of geeking out on 90's nostalgia and practical effects.

Here are some key takeaways from this conversation with Andrew.

Expect to adapt. During filming, Andrew faced significant production constraints, including the loss of a crucial filming location – a cemetery. Every production needs a plan B, C, and sometimes even D. Andrew's experience is a textbook example. Losing a cemetery location could've been a disaster, but instead, it turned into a creative opportunity. Andrew's producer figured the art department could create a graveyard in the backyard of the house they were shooting at and voila, you cannot tell the difference. Things will inevitably go wrong when making movies so not only do you have to be adaptable, you need to surround yourself with other adaptable folks, especially producers.

Hire local. When filming in unfamiliar locations you'll need someone on your crew with local knowledge. Andrew shot in Lenox Massachusetts and had local producers and a local AD. Their in-depth knowledge of the area, connections, and ability to navigate local challenges streamlined the production process. They had a ton of solves because they knew the town and the people in it and were able to call in favors. Every production needs a fixer, if you're filming outside a major production town, make sure you have a local expert on your crew.

Channel yourself into your work. Andrew stated that Onyx is a manifestation of a lot of things that went undealt with in his fifth-grade self. First of all, this is a beautiful sentiment and I really appreciated him allowing himself to be so vulnerable to share this. Second of all, this is a fundamental key to great art which is to channel yourself into it. On the surface, Onyx might seem like a goofy, quirky caricature but there's something very compelling and lovable about him and it's entirely because he comes from a genuine and authentic place. For Andrew, Onyx wasn't just an alter ego but a vehicle through which he was able to recognize and process personal issues. It's pretty profound and a strong reminder of how cathartic art can be. For any creative, remember: your unique perspective is what gives your work its heart and soul so embrace it.



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  • Adam Dougherty - Creature Designer @Kreaturekid on Instagram or check out: kreaturekid.com

Follow Andrew Bowser at:

Facebook:  https://web.facebook.com/AndrewBowserDirector/?_rdc=1&_rdr

Instagram:  https://www.instagram.com/andrewbowserdirector/?hl=en

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IMDB: https://www.imdb.com/name/nm0101453/